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Maker Faire Orlando 2015

Last weekend we had the awesome opporunity to travel to Orlando to visit the 2015 Maker Faire Orlando.

It was a wonderful event full of eveything from origami Mythbusters (see the picture below)

to giant 3D printers! The event also offered various classes, the opportunity to race small derby cars made from recycled materials and watch science related movies.

One exhibit we spent some time at was KitRex, a maker of large specialty cardboard dinosaur costumes and puzzles. I was hanging out by the booth for a while making a paper dino puppet and saw one of the booth runners walk by in their velocirapotor costume. As an example of the atmosphere at the faire, the raptor walked up to young girl who looked up in awe at the cardboard dinosaur like she was meeting the real thing. The dino shook his tail and walked on its way.

I have to say my favorite part of the event was everyone's sheer enthusiams for creativity! All the attendees, ranging in age from toddlers to adults, were genuinely curious about everything around them. It was an atmosphere of passion and awe for the unique skills everyone brought to the table, no matter what those skills were. Everyone was friendly and was happy to answer any questions. I loved talking to one maker about his process for making 3D filament, as well as an artist who's specialty is boiled books. If the rest of humanity shared this curiousity and willingness to ask questions, the world would be a more informed and happy society.

Sci Chic was born out of a passion for making, 3D printing, engineering and fashion, so this event truly drew on everything we loved. I would highly reccomend visiting a Maker Faire near you if you get the chance!

Check out for more information on all of the upcoming Maker Faires.


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