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Sci Chic at Art in Engineering

Sci Chic at the Harn Art in Engineering exhibiting our science and engineering inspired accessories and jewelry

Sci Chic had an amazing time at the Harn Art in Engineering event last night! Thank you to the huge amount of people that came up to our booth and took the time to talk to us. We not only officially launched Sci Chic’s website, but it was our first chance to put our products in some else’s hands. We actually produced some of our necklaces and earrings at the event last night with our Lulzbot and Delta 3D printer displays. We got tons of great feedback and will definitely be offering new Sci Chic products inspired by the ideas we heard last night. We also heard tons of really great and inquisitive questions ranging from asking about the 3D printing process to the science behind our products. It was fantastic to see the curiosity everyone had about science and technology and what we are trying to achieve!

Sci Chic was located next to tons of other talented engineer artists that had a manufacturing focus, so we got to enjoy seeing everything from an Iron Man suit replica to representatives from Fracture. We were in the midst of so much talent and it was awesome to see other engineers show off their creative side!

We also want to give a shout out to the awesome staff at the Harn that helped organize the event and help us get our booth set up. Sci Chic had a fantastic opening night and we could not have done it without them. Thanks for helping us show off the fashionable side of science.

Want to see more about the night? Check out this news coverage of Sci Chic at the event:

The Independent Florida Alligator: A marriage of art and science

UF School of Art+Art History: Engineering Inspires Art: 3D Printed Jewelry

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