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Public vs Personal Path

Personal path hiking

I used to find it cynical and cliché that people said college is when you find who you really are. For me I spent my first three years in college following a standard path I thought would lead to success. I am someone who likes to plan out where I want to be and take steps towards that goal.

When I got to the University of Florida I took a lower level leadership position in a student organization and an internship at a small company. Then I took an executive board in that same student organization leadership position and got an internship in San Diego at a larger company. Then I became president of an organization and got another name brand company internship. I had done a lot, but was I working towards where I wanted my future to go?

I was conventionally successful and recognized as a leader in the College of Engineering, but I felt like the path, although prestigious was not mine. It was a public path that many had taken before, not my personal path. I realized I didn't want the next steps that people who take this public path normally take. I want to make something new. I want to think about big problems and how I fit into solving them. I want my voice to be heard. I had figured out who I really am.

I had taken the public path for my first three years. This experience now prepared me to veer off to my own personal path to truly get me exactly where I want to go. I am building my own company that tries to combines my hobbies with solving the problems I care about. I am getting to work to shape the new decisions and curriculum created by my college. I am getting to travel around the country on my weekends.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think my life is now planned out now that I found what I enjoy and desire to work towards. If anything I have come to accept and be comfortable with being uncomfortable and not knowing what is coming. When you are paving a different path there are not as many people to look at to see what normally happens next.

I think that for those coming into college it is important to realize that your realization of what you want to do may come on day one, year four, or even during your Ph. D studies. This time in life cannot be rushed. Taking a little longer to graduate and taking the public path for a longer than you would like is ok. Your personal path will come in due time. Most importantly, when you do find yourself, don't ignore it. Go after your passion with everything in you. No matter how hard it is or out there your goals seem, your passion is worth it.

Founder, Sci Chic

What experiences have you had in college or life in general that have pushed you away from the majority? Comment below!

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