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Showing Your Voice

At Sci Chic we are sometimes surprised by the creativity of our customer. This past fall our team received a custom necklace request that touched our hearts and opened our minds. Luckily for you, Sci Chic has decided to give everyone the opportunity for a limited time to make their own custom version into a necklace or key chain for their loved ones.

The custom necklace was created as a Christmas present for a grandmother. The grandmother is hearing impaired, which means she cannot hear her grandchildren tell her how much they love her. I am sure you are wondering how Sci Chic could help. Our customer contacted us with the request to create a necklace with the sound wave of her children saying “I love you” to their grandmother.

Our team was moved by what a thoughtful gift we would be creating. Sci Chic is fortunate enough to own two 3D printers and have access to a laser cutter, which can cut and etch acrylic as you have seen with our products. We began brainstorming how we could accurately capture the sound wave with our manufacturing methods of 3D printing or laser cutting. Finally, I decided to try laser etching the sound wave image on two tone acrylic. I loved the result. I shared the product with our customer and was able to move forward with the project.

In order to make the necklace, we selected the necklace shape which would best hold the sound wave image. In our case we feel that an oval showcases the sound wave shape best. Once the oval shape is cut out of the two tone acrylic with a silver top coat and black base, the sound wave may be etched. The etching process removes the silver top coat and exposes the black acrylic base. The words spoken in the sound wave may also be added below the sound wave image.

Sci Chic was able to create a necklace that shared a child’s love for their grandmother in a visual way. Although the grandmother cannot hear those words she can see them every day.

We would like to thank the person who gave us this idea and trusted us with such a personal present. Working on this project touched our hearts and inspired me to tell my mom "I love you" with a custom sound wave necklace.

Order your own here!

-Emily Huber


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