Now that two weeks have gone by we have finally calmed down from Bay Area Maker Faire. This amazing event is a huge party celebrating anything and everything you can make.
We not only had the opportunity to see tons of amazing creations, but the people behind them as well. The event was extremely well organized and was a fantastic mix of gigantic creations and tiny carefully crafted work.
For us some of the highlights were:
~Life sized mousetrap that was basically a gigantic Rube Goldberg Machine that ended with a huge safe smashing a car.
~Adam Savage's fantastic maker speech for this year about how not to get discouraged while making. Also, he came in riding a mechanical giraffe. What could be better?
~Pancakebot, the pancake making robot.
~The Fashion Tech show by Make Fashion. This show was an awesome combination of 3D printing, LED lights, K`NEX and sensors.
See some of our pictures from the event below, as well as our Snapchat story from Saturday of Maker Faire so you can experience the day along with us!